Well, here's the situation: I am not making a lot of money right now, and struggle to get 25 hours a week where I work delivering pizza. On top of that, tips are spotty at best. I have a friend of mine who is looking at coming back down to Florida, and wants to take me up on an offer to be a roommate with me. Now, I own my house, and while I may have had issues with clutter in the past, the clutter was always clean. No food left to rot, etc. around my house. This friend though is a total pig. Food left around, etc. in every place I have ever seen him live. (A friend whose mom was once his landlord said that in the 20 years she ran apartments only one person has ever left a bigger mess behind when they left.) I really need the cash, but I don't need the problems associated with cleaning up after someone to avoid ruining my house. I have also spent the last 2 months cleaning up my house and eliminating clutter, garbage, even throwing away lots of car parts I had saved over the years. (In fact, in the 13 years I have lived here, this is the cleanest and best organized I have ever had it.) I want to keep a very clean, neat and organized house now and don't want all that hard work ruined. I have told him this and outlined what I expect - no laundry on the floor, how clean I expect the bathroom to be kept, no dirty dishes left over night ( my kitchen and bathrooms have always been kept clean), etc. Should I trust him and give him a chance? I really need the cash to not only pay my normal bills but to hopefully be able to fix the back porch roof problem that has gone critical. Then again, he may not be able to find work and pay me either... so I dunno what to do. Any advice or ideas are welcome.