Running Rough?

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i got the car to start but only if i had it WOT

most of us know with a quadrajet if the carb is flooded you put your pedal to the floor and start the car and once it is started you bring the idle down slowly. Sounds to me like the flooding is ongoing so my suggestion above drains the bowel in the carb and will usually dislodge any dirt that is preventing the needle from seating.

If there is water in the gas the gas floats on top being lighter so the car will usually start ok but as your driving the gas and water will mix and cause some issues. If stations had a habit of adding water to their tanks and it's common knowledge they'd be sh*t down.
Replace the plastic crap float with a brass one along with a new needle and seat, the old floats get saturated easily especialy with the new ethanol crap gas. I had to do this with mine it had the same symptons good luck
okay guys i replaced the plugs wires dist cap and rotor and fuel filter. car will still not start unless foored but after you get it started it runs great for about a minute or 2 then will slowly develop a miss and will eventually kill itself... also the check engine light is flashing.. do you think it would be possible it needs a catalyic converter and a 02 sensor?
would that cause these symptoms? any help is appreciated!
i just realized that the temp gauge dosnt work so i was wondering if the coolant temp sensor was broke and causing it to run good until it started to warm up.. then the gauge wouldnt have the right resistance to sent to the ecm? am i right or just hopeful?
I believe the temp gauge and ECM use 2 separate senders/sensors. Probably not related to your problem. Doubt an O2 sensor or cat will fix it either. Did you check for fuel overflow at the carb?
will have to in the morning as i was just out there for 4 hours messing with it in 15 degree weather!
If computer doesnt have a temp signal it will run full rich
t_sean91 said:
okay guys i replaced the plugs wires dist cap and rotor and fuel filter. car will still not start unless foored but after you get it started it runs great for about a minute or 2 then will slowly develop a miss and will eventually kill itself...
would that cause these symptoms? any help is appreciated!

I'd make a suggestion but I would only be repeating myself..
Fixed it.. was just a cracked fuel line.. after all that work
thanks everybody for the info.
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