So What Do YOU Suggest I Do?

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I am not sure what could fix this site but i will say it is not the same site it was a few years ago, i have been on here for a good 4-5 years now. this site use to be mostly friendly people that kept their opinions to themselves or explained them in a productive manor. The big rims thing keeps coming up, most people just bash them, years ago people would say that if you are going to do big rims you need to make upgrades to the car such as its braking system to make sure they stay safe on the roads. Now its just total criticism and bashing. I am not sure there is a cure for it, we cant ba a$$ holes, well maybe we can if they are excessive? There was a thread about a younger member that was looking at a 442 to fix up that was in rough shape for like 1200 bucks, the guy asked for input about the car and everyone was giving him crap for getting a few bucks from his parents. No one even knew the kids situation, maybe he was a honor roll kid working on a full ride scholarship and didn’t have time to work, maybe nto but the point was is the thread was asked for a opinion about the car and it turned into bash this lazy kid for taking his parents money. i have literally came close to deleting my account on this forum several times in the last few months but instead i have to look away for a couple days or weeks. i use to be on here daily and we had a great group of guys on here, i don’t see hardly any of the guys that use to be on here daily anymore, that upsets me because i know these guys still have their cars. One thing that i am ablet o do on my boating forum, is delete a thread i started such as if i was selling something and its sells i could delete the thread or if i post something and the a$$ hole guys rip me to shreads with opinions i an just delete it, after all i started that thread, i dont now i want to go as far as saying i own that thread but i think the originator should have the ability to kill it and delete it. this is more than just on this thread, everyone is feeling the economy, they are mad, they all have opinions and people that normally are rather civil are becoming pricks. Another problem as mentioned above, its hard to express words in text sometimes, sometimes you coud be tying to be a smart *ss and it can come off as being a prick. The big wheels thing keeps getting mentioned, didn’t we start a customs section a couple years ago?? regardless of what type of cars you are into all of us have g bodies, some of us are into performance, there are many different types and levels of performance, some guys want customs with bags of 28s, some of us are doing factory restorations, resto mods…. Fact is all of these cars to most people tink they belong in a salvage yard. I personally am not into wheels bigger then 20s on a g body, i don’t like grand prixs or wagons so much but i tell you what, if i walk into a car show and i see a grand prix on 28s and it is put together well i will respect that ride, that person is expressing themselves which is what the car hobby is all about! i think our members thinking about what they are saying and how they are responding is the biggest thing that needs to change right now
regalman4925 said:
I am not sure what could fix this site but i will say it is not the same site it was a few years ago, i have been on here for a good 4-5 years now. this site use to be mostly friendly people that kept their opinions to themselves or explained them in a productive manor. The big rims thing keeps coming up, most people just bash them, years ago people would say that if you are going to do big rims you need to make upgrades to the car such as its braking system to make sure they stay safe on the roads. Now its just total criticism and bashing. I am not sure there is a cure for it, we cant ba a$$ holes, well maybe we can if they are excessive? There was a thread about a younger member that was looking at a 442 to fix up that was in rough shape for like 1200 bucks, the guy asked for input about the car and everyone was giving him crap for getting a few bucks from his parents. No one even knew the kids situation, maybe he was a honor roll kid working on a full ride scholarship and didn’t have time to work, maybe nto but the point was is the thread was asked for a opinion about the car and it turned into bash this lazy kid for taking his parents money. i have literally came close to deleting my account on this forum several times in the last few months but instead i have to look away for a couple days or weeks. i use to be on here daily and we had a great group of guys on here, i don’t see hardly any of the guys that use to be on here daily anymore, that upsets me because i know these guys still have their cars. One thing that i am ablet o do on my boating forum, is delete a thread i started such as if i was selling something and its sells i could delete the thread or if i post something and the a$$ hole guys rip me to shreads with opinions i an just delete it, after all i started that thread, i dont now i want to go as far as saying i own that thread but i think the originator should have the ability to kill it and delete it. this is more than just on this thread, everyone is feeling the economy, they are mad, they all have opinions and people that normally are rather civil are becoming pricks. Another problem as mentioned above, its hard to express words in text sometimes, sometimes you coud be tying to be a smart *ss and it can come off as being a prick. The big wheels thing keeps getting mentioned, didn’t we start a customs section a couple years ago?? regardless of what type of cars you are into all of us have g bodies, some of us are into performance, there are many different types and levels of performance, some guys want customs with bags of 28s, some of us are doing factory restorations, resto mods…. Fact is all of these cars to most people tink they belong in a salvage yard. I personally am not into wheels bigger then 20s on a g body, i don’t like grand prixs or wagons so much but i tell you what, if i walk into a car show and i see a grand prix on 28s and it is put together well i will respect that ride, that person is expressing themselves which is what the car hobby is all about! i think our members thinking about what they are saying and how they are responding is the biggest thing that needs to change right now

I have to agree with you on this one.
Most forum software have plugins. There's gotta be a phpbb plugin to allow for a warning system. You can issue a warning to a user, and after so many warnings, certain restrictions get applied to the user's account, such as a temp. suspension, etc.. to eventual banning, based on settings of the plugin.

When someone says something disrespectful, something which could have been said with respect and tact and dignity, then shoot em a warning.

Example: ... 1&t=801285
Randy_W said:
bill said:
This site was a valuable tool for me during my build project. The info and advice on here was priceless and inspired me to take chances and attempt projects that I might have passed over if not for the good advice and direction from here. I beleive that is the most valuable part of this forum. It also allows the members to show off their builds, talk about issues that they had with certain parts or swaps...etc. I try, as best as possible, to limit my opinions to those posts that ASK FOR IT! Sometimes the post is not asking for an opinion, but rather instruction or just info on parts or sources...etc. There again, I try not to post pure opinion unless I feel it is being asked for....and if I overstep my bounds, I make amends for it.

Bottom line, IMO, we members have to respect ALL the members on this forum for their love of their cars and their quest to learn and provide info for others who need it. Posting opinions (especially negative ones) that are not being asked for is just pointless and a sure way to BREW(ers) up trouble!

I suggest that any replies with negative comments that are unwarranted or just stupid pics... should be warned in a PM and the post should be deleted. Maybe when they see that their posts are not valid to the OP or appears to be trolling for trouble, the MOD is on to it...maybe then they will get the picture...and hopefully learn that decent posts are the only ones people care to read.
Editted to correct grammer,
So of course, you're going to follow your own advice and stop injecting politics into threads. :mrgreen:
I will if you will.... :rofl:
Randy_W said:
LSCustoms said:
Randy_W said:
So when I say 24's look silly on a G-Body, I'm expressing my opinion, not hating someone's race. If people would just stop being offended by the least little things in life and just understand that differences of opinion, do NOT equal racism, this would cool down a bunch. They might still be pissed if you don't like their whip, but at least they won't think everyone is being racist. 8)
race doesnt have anything to do with it (its more a culture anyway)... but its simple, the problem with going on a thread and post whoring it up with silly comments is that it still takes away from the OPs thread. If you dont like it you should just stay out the thread... most people dont just post, "not for me" type posts... the thread gets filled with a back and forth silly *ss banter, and normally ends up way off the persons intended topic. most of the time someone posts something that they like (ie a car that happens to have 22" or larger wheels), then one of the first posts in response is something stupid or silly... then it goes back and forth, and the thread gets closed because of it, and because of it, both sides, the forum looks worse!

its just being courteous. most people dont walk around telling everyone what opinions they have of their outfit, look, car, or whatever else, because its rude and their may be consequences for it... sometimes our opinion is best kept to ones self, especially if it is offensive to someone for any reason... its easy to do on the internet, because you really dont feel that person's reaction, kinda takes that part of emotion out the game...

next time you see someone wearing something you think is hideous, walk up to them and tell them that... you prob wont, cause you sound like a decent guy and it just plain sucks to be mean to someone when it isnt called for...

example (I deleted names, cause thats not my point, doesnt matter who says it):
first post (pics wont re post)
OP said:
pictures of two cars with 22" or 24" wheels

second post
another person said:
It's confirmed, cart wheels on cars look stupid! :mrgreen:

its pretty much the way its said that provokes a response from the OP and, in my opinion it would have been a more reasonable thing to just click off it and go about your day... a person could have spent a ton of money, sacrifice, time, etc to do what they did and stuff like that to me just isnt necessary... this just invites more silly stuff
You are correct, I should have kept my mouth shut about the wheels, he didn't ask me now did he? I will refrain from commenting unless comments are solicited from here on. :wink:

When I did comment however, there was someone who immediately threw down the race card and that was also wrong. That is so old and tiresome, playing victims of injustice. If someone is being so victimized how can they afford 26" rims and the car to put them on?
I guess I must have missed the 'big wheels' bash fast which prompted this thread? Anyway...

The two things that annoy me about this site are;

1) People posting questions about Chevy engines in the Cutlass/442/HO section. I come to this site for Olds info ( to give and recieve ) so I go to the appropriate section for that - the OLDS section. I don't go posting my Oldsmobile questions in the Monte section, so people need to quit cluttering up the Olds section with their Chevy questions. If you got a problem with your Chevy engine then post it somewhere else please.

2) People making posts like they're texting from a cell phone that just can't be put out by typing out an easy to understand post....especially when they're the ones asking the questions and are expecting others to help them. There has been more than a few times I just flat out refused to help out a fellow poster because they're post seemed like it was sent by a slow 5 year old child from a cell phone that apparently gets charged a fee for using periods and capitalizing the letter 'I'. If people want to be taken seriously, then post in a serious manner.

So for me at least, seeing both of these things change would make this site better.
Funny, I don't remember an "Olds" section. Cutlass yes, and they came with sbc's also, so i'd say asking about that in the Cutlass section is relevant.
I've been in both of these arguments, and would like to think i've grown up a bit or just found something better to do with my time than complain about big wheels. I've somewhat come to the realization that my complaining about big wheels is as annoying as people whining about a sbc in a non-chevy. It just gets old.
Sadly the only thing that I think will help this is a warning system followed by short to lenghty vacations. I might also go as far as to post user names that are getting the vacations and/or warnings in an effort that people may chill some just from the possible embarrasement of getting repremanded. Or at least the rest of the users would "see" that you can and will get in trouble over your attitude, instead of just thinking they haven't logged in in awhile.
take threads pertaining to (insert subject here) and move them to sections that already exist for that subject. no reason to ask engine questions in general discussion when we have another section for that already. i wouldnt call it enforcing but i would think of it as adhering to the format of the forums. people might say but my thread wont get read otherwise. i say hogwash, if more threads were put into the right areas those areas would get more traffic.
jrm81bu said:
I might also go as far as to post user names that are getting the vacations and/or warnings in an effort that people may chill some just from the possible embarrasement of getting repremanded. Or at least the rest of the users would "see" that you can and will get in trouble over your attitude, instead of just thinking they haven't logged in in awhile.
That's not a bad idea. Shame is an excellent motivator. Maybe a stickied/locked thread where a mod could simply post the member's name, length of suspension (or ban), and a link to the offending statement. A general "If you do this, like this guy did, this will happen to you for this long".
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