So What Do YOU Suggest I Do?

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Many of these points have been covered before. Any way to make it required reading before new memberships are processed? Maybe a mandatory refresher for the rest of us too :lol: ?
what I find telling the recent member who posted multiple threads regarding big wheel cars and burnouts hasn't posted any new ones in a few days. I think that makes it obvious he was just interested in getting "opinions" he was hoping for on his threads. If you do make another section dedicated to large wheels I doubt he will be interested in posting. Qdub has posted threads about large wheel threads but he's got alot of knowledge about the big wheels and G bodies in general and his threads stay relatively sane. I think he'd be missed along with some others.
Make an 'adress confirmation' policy for F/S item over $100 so if the item doesnt actually exist ... j/k *_^ :rofl:

as someone who got into it with a person before and 'took it there' I have to say that I was surprised not to have been banned or temporarily removed for that incident! He was wrong, but I was more wrong after that purposefully!

Maybe an easy fix instead of 'report this post' would be 'post ranking' and admin can login and easily slide through negatively ranked post with a lot of thumbs down and see what's going on quickly to determine if the people just disagreed with that guy, or he was really out of line in matter of seconds. 'Report this post' creates a problem for admin where 1,000 messages go as complaint when instead this better system I'm recommending would only have sent 1 message - the low rank of the 'offending' post!

Why not keep track of each members "negative" posts and when they reach a certain amount label them a "HATER".
-83MONTESS- said:
Why not keep track of each members "negative" posts and when they reach a certain amount label them a "HATER".

^ This. WIN! :rofl:
Thanks, guys. Given me a lot to chew on. Some of these ideas just aren't technically possible given the limitations of the software (or require some hairy, questionable addons), some of these I'm not sure I really want to implement (they're pretty harsh!).... but still a lot to think about.

One thing is a given, myself (and the mods) need to do a better job moving threads where they belong. For the most part you all are pretty good about starting topics in the right place, but we'll have to start being a bit more strict.

Keep the ideas coming!
OK, so without going through all 4 pages I'm gonna guess this is probably 'big wheel' based.

Now the big wheel guys have a right to put their cars on here and show them. Freedom of expression I believe it is, right? So we let anyone (or any style of g) on here because it's their right. And I think that's cool, I like some variety.

But all the so called 'haters' that are giving their opinion have the exact same right. Freedom of speech I believe it is. Positive or negative, people have a right to their opinion. And if you're posting pics on a public forum, you gotta take the good and the bad.

And I see a lot of people claiming the ones with negative opinions are the bad guys. But I think it's the ones getting angry about opinions that are causing the problems. This isn't a fairy tale where everything is perfect. Everybody likes some things and dislikes other things, plain and simple.

People say things like if you don't like the car then don't look at it. Well how about if you don't like the comment then don't read it?

I drive a 4 door Malibu with steel rims and hubcaps. Lot's of people say things like, it's an old man car, taxi cab, it's just a 4 door, and simply don't like it. But then there are those who get it. What you gotta do is have fun with it. If I say (for example), cars with big rims look goofy. Just laugh it off and say something like, that hurts coming from a guy driving a taxi. You know what I mean, people gotta not take things so seriously.

I know it's gotta be tough to keep a forum like this going. But sometimes you just gotta tell people to put on their big boy pants and deal with it. This isn't kindergarten, it's a public forum.

And I just have to add this: Why is it only the big wheel guys that get all mad about negative comments? We all get them (just from different people or places), don't feel so bad.
Phoenyx said:
OK, so without going through all 4 pages I'm gonna guess this is probably 'big wheel' based.

Now the big wheel guys have a right to put their cars on here and show them. Freedom of expression I believe it is, right? So we let anyone (or any style of g) on here because it's their right. And I think that's cool, I like some variety.

But all the so called 'haters' that are giving their opinion have the exact same right. Freedom of speech I believe it is. Positive or negative, people have a right to their opinion. And if you're posting pics on a public forum, you gotta take the good and the bad.

And I see a lot of people claiming the ones with negative opinions are the bad guys. But I think it's the ones getting angry about opinions that are causing the problems. This isn't a fairy tale where everything is perfect. Everybody likes some things and dislikes other things, plain and simple.

People say things like if you don't like the car then don't look at it. Well how about if you don't like the comment then don't read it?

I drive a 4 door Malibu with steel rims and hubcaps. Lot's of people say things like, it's an old man car, taxi cab, it's just a 4 door, and simply don't like it. But then there are those who get it. What you gotta do is have fun with it. If I say (for example), cars with big rims look goofy. Just laugh it off and say something like, that hurts coming from a guy driving a taxi. You know what I mean, people gotta not take things so seriously.

I know it's gotta be tough to keep a forum like this going. But sometimes you just gotta tell people to put on their big boy pants and deal with it. This isn't kindergarten, it's a public forum.

And I just have to add this: Why is it only the big wheel guys that get all mad about negative comments? We all get them (just from different people or places), don't feel so bad.

Couldn't have said it better. This sh*t needs to be on the front page so EVERYBODY can read it, lol.
GP403 said:
Thanks, guys. Given me a lot to chew on. Some of these ideas just aren't technically possible given the limitations of the software (or require some hairy, questionable addons), some of these I'm not sure I really want to implement (they're pretty harsh!).... but still a lot to think about.

One thing is a given, myself (and the mods) need to do a better job moving threads where they belong. For the most part you all are pretty good about starting topics in the right place, but we'll have to start being a bit more strict.

Keep the ideas coming!
for the most part i think we are all grown enough to accept criticism, where not much has to be done. the issue is that when people start posting in the thread (the negativity) then the thread ends of in a bashing match and it all ends up in it being closed, because a person starting posting sillyness. I think if its going to be allowed in the OPs thread, then his thread shouldnt be close because if it, at a minimum. if its going to be closed, it should be because the OP posted a thread that is unacceptable to the forum. If it is acceptable to the forum (the OPs original thread topic and post), then people in the thread that are posting negativity, shouldn't be allowed to continue this, because what I have noticed is that the thread gets closed. So in my opinion that creates some bias and the people posting this stuff in the thread are well aware that the behavior is going to get the thread closed/locked. they should be warned and then banned out the section for a little while, to ensure people have a fair opportunity to share their interests.

in one thread, people even attempted to stay on topic or stay positive and the sillyness continued, causing it to be closed. in effect anytime, someone starts a similar thread, it will end the same way.

if my previous suggestion is not possible, my final opinion on this/or suggestion is.

1. Let all the posting continue and do not close the OPs thread (unless the initial thread was in violation of forum rules), just because others start posting negative stuff
2. If a person begans posting negativity in a thread, that is not asking for particular opinion, etc. (and the silly stuff starts), warn them and then ban them from a section for a while if possible, then they will get the point. this way the OP can have a fair shot at sharing their passion with people who are interested in it, without interferance

the negative comments dont normally bother me as much as the fact that in the end, the thread gets closed because of it, most of the guys that start these threads arent going around to other threads and causing them to get locked because of controvery
I think its pretty straight forward
NO PERSONAL OR VEHICLE attacks of any kind allowed.
Each person has his own personality that goes along with their choice in vehicles.
We share the love of vehicles and it should stay that way.

Politics and religion should have their own debate/posting area.
Do not like getting involved, don't go there.

If you make to many rules about how the forum is made up then you'll end up like some other forums with their sphincters are wrapped shut and end up running on a daily basis of political correctness.
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