Well, lets see if this works. I used bondo brand short strand filler, resin jell, and fiberglass resin (because that's what I had kicking around from other projects). I combined all three and the fiberglass hardener to make a goopie mess, then packed the hallow spaces in the poly bits and smooshed them all together. Hopefully this will work out..

It seems to have cured hard enough, but I hope it holds up over time
I then started on the z6 intake manifold swap. I used a d16z6 spring and throttle body arm on my d16y7 throttle body.

It all bolted together nicely with the y7 injectors z6 fuel rail, and z6 cable. While I was in the re-arraging things mood, I went ahead and routed the wires and tucked them best I could

I also got as much of the little naggily engine bay bits bolted in that I could...

I am really pleased its actually starting to look like a car again!

It seems to have cured hard enough, but I hope it holds up over time
I then started on the z6 intake manifold swap. I used a d16z6 spring and throttle body arm on my d16y7 throttle body.

It all bolted together nicely with the y7 injectors z6 fuel rail, and z6 cable. While I was in the re-arraging things mood, I went ahead and routed the wires and tucked them best I could

I also got as much of the little naggily engine bay bits bolted in that I could...

I am really pleased its actually starting to look like a car again!