Went & did some tire kicking

Don't get too hungry for offshore sushi. Most of what gets displayed in that genre of magazine is not readily available in North America as it does not comply with EPA and related laws and regulations for safety and environment. Yeah, they can be had, but only as used and only through a very circuitous import route. Japan does build some very serious HP mills but you are in 4/6 banger country for a lot of it so unless you have a serious jones for learning technical Japanes and wanting to stuff a 6 banger in your G-Body, it might be just as well to leave that in the dream department.

Apart from that, just getting a driver's license in Japan is something of a major horror story; hard enough for the residents, gaijins (foreignors) have it worse.

Hey it worked in Tokyo Drift didn't it?
Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Don't get too hungry for offshore sushi. Most of what gets displayed in that genre of magazine is not readily available in North America as it does not comply with EPA and related laws and regulations for safety and environment. Yeah, they can be had, but only as used and only through a very circuitous import route. Japan does build some very serious HP mills but you are in 4/6 banger country for a lot of it so unless you have a serious jones for learning technical Japanes and wanting to stuff a 6 banger in your G-Body, it might be just as well to leave that in the dream department.

Apart from that, just getting a driver's license in Japan is something of a major horror story; hard enough for the residents, gaijins (foreignors) have it worse.

they all crazy driving on the wrong side of the road and all....
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Don't get too hungry for offshore sushi. Most of what gets displayed in that genre of magazine is not readily available in North America as it does not comply with EPA and related laws and regulations for safety and environment. Yeah, they can be had, but only as used and only through a very circuitous import route. Japan does build some very serious HP mills but you are in 4/6 banger country for a lot of it so unless you have a serious jones for learning technical Japanes and wanting to stuff a 6 banger in your G-Body, it might be just as well to leave that in the dream department.

Apart from that, just getting a driver's license in Japan is something of a major horror story; hard enough for the residents, gaijins (foreignors) have it worse.

We really don't get too excited for JDM's but don't have any issues when it comes to GTR's & Fairlady's. I don't think he'll ever want to put anything but a Chevy V8 in his ride.
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I'm just waiting for someone to post pictures of a last generation front wheel drive Monte Carlo with a BBC shoe horned into the engine bay in an East/West or sideways configuration. Either that or an aluminum block LS to keep the weight down a little. Figures there has to be someone who had done it just as an exercise in outrageousness.

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I'm just waiting for someone to post pictures of a last generation front wheel drive Monte Carlo with a BBC shoe horned into the engine bay in an East/West or sideways configuration. Either that or an aluminum block LS to keep the weight down a little. Figures there has to be someone who had done it just as an exercise in outrageousness.

Well GM did do a in house LT1 Lumina/Monte Carlo on a 4th gen F cat floor pan back in the mid 90's & it wasn't a bad set up.

We did get something figured out tonight after running the shop vac under the hood. Put one of the spark tools on #1 plug & there is spark. Battery needs another round on the charger to get into it deeper but now I'm leaning towards a fuel supply issue. When they battery is charged I'll try the starting fluid to try to get some sort of rumble.
With another big thanks to Tomeal, we now got the extra front clip to the house. The hood is in better shape than the original one, from what I can see the header is also. As soon as I get it blown apart I'll be able to see what is better to use. Next will be finalizing the need list, start to figure out the want list, finish the raid of dad's extras & figure out time lines.
One tip, when buying anything stored in the same yard where the family great dane does their buisness try to find out where exactly the end product goes. The bottom of the rad support had an ample supply stored on it. 🤢:puke: Sorry To Tomeal for having to deal with that filth withknowing about it.
But to what was done. After having to deal with honey do stuff we got the header panel off & educated on how much fun taking a '78-'80 MC header off. Made me thankful for the '81 refresh. Only went so far cause of the smell of dog:poop:.
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Somewhat good news, we had it start kinda. Gave it afew puffs of starting fluid & had a few seconds of combustion. Started to back track from the carb, replaced the fuel filter which was dry but still had a hint fuel smell. The pump to carb line is good. Checked to see if the pump was going to spit any fuel but nothing, was just for visual & didn't check for pressure being pushed out. Thinking the full cleaning will be pushed so I know I'm not bringing any extra guest in the garage (haven't seen any signs yet.) Might get creative on a temporary fuel tank just so we can make sure it'll move then get it into the garage. After this we (me) finished getting the front clip apart. the rad support has rot so I don't see it as a keeper but not going to refuse a couple bucks for it (cheap.) The only bad spot i see so far on the left fender is the inner edge near the hinge area. The right has a spot where the inner fender bolts on towards the front. Both inners are good. There is the transducer that was with it but not sure if it'll be any good. Both the overflow & washer resevoirs are good spares.
Somewhat good news, we had it start kinda. Gave it afew puffs of starting fluid & had a few seconds of combustion. Started to back track from the carb, replaced the fuel filter which was dry but still had a hint fuel smell. The pump to carb line is good. Checked to see if the pump was going to spit any fuel but nothing, was just for visual & didn't check for pressure being pushed out. Thinking the full cleaning will be pushed so I know I'm not bringing any extra guest in the garage (haven't seen any signs yet.) Might get creative on a temporary fuel tank just so we can make sure it'll move then get it into the garage. After this we (me) finished getting the front clip apart. the rad support has rot so I don't see it as a keeper but not going to refuse a couple bucks for it (cheap.) The only bad spot i see so far on the left fender is the inner edge near the hinge area. The right has a spot where the inner fender bolts on towards the front. Both inners are good. There is the transducer that was with it but not sure if it'll be any good. Both the overflow & washer resevoirs are good spares.
Just toss a sheet of glue paper on the floor with some bait in the middle. If there's critters in it that don't slither you should catch signs of it.
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Got some progress to lead to another small job. Ordered a small 1 liter atv tank to bypass the tank & main line to find out the pump no pumpy. Plus the battery I had handy is getting weak. I might just gravity feed if I can do it to look safe in front of the Jr. Mechanic cause I want him to learn the right/safe ways before he does it his way down the road.

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