well it was slow today at work so I decided to tackle the window felts. UGHH !! Lowered the window, all the screws came out fine but when I took off the top trim there was a rust bubble the size of a quarter under there right on the flat part of the ledge just forward of the mirror completely hidden by the trim.
SO the rest of my day has been spent digging out the rust with the dremel. Just the outer sheetmetal was rusted, the inner still looks fine. I brazed in a piece of metal then coated it both sides with Rust Convertor. Tonight will body fill and smooth the area, prime then paint and hopefully by Monday I can finally put the window felts in !!
Somedays I don't like working on old cars and their rust issues. Its a fairly simple fix that should last a lifetime but I think the next classic car I purchase will have to come from Texas or Arizona