Yelled and cussed at my own stupidity
Wanted to try to fit some seats into my car, because the factory buckets suck. Bought seats a few years back and just stored them... Finally getting around to throwing them in... Not gonna work, footprint is simply too wide.
So now I have 2 front bucket that I have to somehow sell off... Which no one is gonna buy....
$400 lesson I won't make again.
That being said, anyone have any recommendations for aftermarket seats that have sliders / or can have sliders, that hinge forward to let people in the back seat?
I had good luck with early W body buckets in my GP.
How To Mount W-body bucket seats in a G-body
I searched for a how-to on this topic and have seen a lot of people do it, but nobody has shown measurements or details, so here is how I did mine. We have reached a point where G body buckets (newest are +30 years old) are very hard to find in the salvage yards in good shape. Even if you are...