I decided it would be a good day to accomplish a much dreaded task, replacing the broken studs and exhaust gasket on my wife's 05 Grand Cherokee hemi. First you get to remove the battery, tray, loosen the engine compartment fuse block, remove the front wheel, inner plastic fender and skidplate. Then you get to throw various ratchets into the engine bay and remove the exhaust manifold heat shield and remaining unbroken studs by feel .At this point, my hands are cut up like I've been thumb wrestling with Edward Scissorhands. Now you can undo the two bolts to the Y-pipe which aren't coming out. Cutoff wheel time. Success! The manifold slides off the broken studs and there's plenty there to install a stud remover socket. Then, KERPLUNK! I drop said stud remover socket down open Y-pipe. I'm ready to tear up and go to my safe space. The y-pipe angles back and bends 90 degrees, no amount of digging with a magnet is getting that socket back. Whyyyyyy. At this time I summon the testicular fortitude to throw caution to the wind and cut the y-pipe in half. Oh good, it's double wall, that'll make welding it even better. At this point I have my socket back, remove the studs, pull the manifold out and surface it by hand on a steel plate with sandpaper stuck to it. Reassembly was actually pretty uneventful, I had all new hardware for the manifold including the manifold to y-pipe bolts and nuts. The y-pipe only got welded on the outer layer, and although it looked like a Teradactyl took a sh*t on it, it doesn't leak and an angle grinder covered up my sins. Both manifolds had broken studs at the two rear holes, it would seem a 8mm stud is woefully inadequate to keep an iron exhaust manifold clamped and from warping. It's now beer:30.