12" swing, 36" length per the tag.
It's a 1941 Monarch CK-12, 16 speed gear head lathe unlike most pre 60's lathes which are belt head. 3hp 3ph motor, taper attachment, power feed, in real nice shape.
It's like 3800lbs or something stupid. In reality it can swing 14.6" I think but it is short at like 36" between the chuck and the tailstock.
I ran a 1952 Monarch Series 62 in college which is the upgraded version of my CK (same drive gears upgraded controls) and it made me fall in love with the smooth precision of a Monarch vs. the 70's south bend we had (which was still real nice) or the cheap Taiwanese 2000's models we had.
Saw this Monarch pop up 3 years ago and didn't really NEED it but I couldn't say no. Nobody really gets rid of Monarch lathes so I got lucky and snapped this one up.