What did you do to your shop today?

Right now, nothing, the kid next door had been contemplating a build but finally gave it up. The rear end was destined to become a Prius EV and the asking price on it was free so I had him and his step-dad roll it over and park it on the lawn behind the garage. It's a complete rear end for an S-10, I even have the springs for it, plus all four matched rims c/w rubber. The chains are there to discourage the possibility of a back lane picker trying to help themselves.

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Right now, nothing, the kid next door had been contemplating a build but finally gave it up. The rear end was destined to become a Prius EV and the asking price on it was free so I had him and his step-dad roll it over and park it on the lawn behind the garage. It's a complete rear end for an S-10, I even have the springs for it, plus all four matched rims c/w rubber. The chains are there to discourage the possibility of a back lane picker trying to help themselves.

Got to love living close to or in the city. Where I live you better know the person and have called or have a good reason to be there.
My old t Craftsman was made by Manchester Tank in 1998 (they still make tanks) per the steel data plate welded on the side. As far as Chinese stuff or any other outside US Mfg, they make what the US Mfg specifies in the specifications. No better no worse. If the US MFG says 10 gage, then it is 10 gage. If the US Mfg doesn't specify then the Chinese MFG builds whatever they want as long as it is meets form/fit/function. I'm 73 and boy have I gotten plenty of Made in America junk in those 73 yrs.

Amazing how many people fail to grasp that. If you are clear with the specifications and insist on QC, you'll get a decently made product out of China. Apple is a great example. They don't get criticized for substandard materials or craftmanship usually. (They get criticized for other reasons). Shipbuilding is another area. You don't hear about massive tankers or container ships falling apart. Because the customers are stringent with their specs and requirements. (Though I'll admit - a crew may be able to tell the difference between a Chinese built ship and a Korean one.)

But we get cheap crap out of China because Harbor Freight (or whoever) goes to them and says, "I want you to build me product XYZ as cheap as possible" So that's what they do. No specs on durability or quality of function. Just so long as it kinda works.
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Amazing how many people fail to grasp that. If you are clear with the specifications and insist on QC, you'll get a decently made product out of China. Apple is a great example. They don't get criticized for substandard materials or craftmanship usually. (They get criticized for other reasons). Shipbuilding is another area. You don't hear about massive tankers or container ships falling apart. Because the customers are stringent with their specs and requirements. (Though I'll admit - a crew may be able to tell the difference between a Chinese built ship and a Korean one.)

But we get cheap crap out of China because Harbor Freight (or whoever) goes to them and says, "I want you to build me product XYZ as cheap as possible" So that's what they do. No specs on durability or quality of function. Just so long as it kinda works.
Or made in India
Amazing how many people fail to grasp that. If you are clear with the specifications and insist on QC, you'll get a decently made product out of China. Apple is a great example. They don't get criticized for substandard materials or craftmanship usually. (They get criticized for other reasons). Shipbuilding is another area. You don't hear about massive tankers or container ships falling apart. Because the customers are stringent with their specs and requirements. (Though I'll admit - a crew may be able to tell the difference between a Chinese built ship and a Korean one.)

But we get cheap crap out of China because Harbor Freight (or whoever) goes to them and says, "I want you to build me product XYZ as cheap as possible" So that's what they do. No specs on durability or quality of function. Just so long as it kinda works.
Agree with you 100% x77. It's people who are close minded that have been brought up bashing other economies and that only the US builds quality stuff that lasts a lifetime. But are we willing to pay for USA Quality? NO.. that is why it is preferred to buy Harbor Freight Screwdriver for 4.99 vs a 28.99 Mac or Snap-On (I don't know if those are still made in the US). It is a world market/mfg arena. Swiss Made Watches (of which I own several) Japanese made Minolta 35mm cam, German Luxury Cars (I own one) and a Caddy with wiring harnesses made in China. I get AC Delco parts made in China, Spain, Mejico, Brazil, My 81 Vette has the Canadian Maple Leaf Sticker on many parts.

One last thought: My 87SS made in good old Pontiac MI has no panel that fits well. Panel gaps are horrendous. Closing the doors is like a can of loose nuts and bolts, what about the white vehicles with the two-tone white paint/gray primer showing? and the list could go on and on.
Was out there this AM to drop off some parts and happened to hear one of those miserable rats-with-wings, (aka pigeon) , do that miserabl;e excuse for a bird call that they have and took a walk outside to check the eaves to make sure nothing was trying to tunnel into the roof for a winter hidey-hole. Good thing too as I found that a short section of the foam rubber sheet metal roof end gasket had popped free and was hanging in the wind. Since the 72 hour local forecast is a soggy mess, I figured I'd dig out the ladder and head on up to see what could be done.

Turned out that the foam section could be returned back into position without the use of tools so that got done but in so doing raised the question of whether it would stay or pop out again. So I dug out the part tube of LePages PL Adhesive, loaded it back into the gun, and ran a bead along the seam from the point the rubber section started to pop out to where it quit and made sure to spread it out wide enough to span from the roof metal to the wooden roof decking. Done and done and just in time as that fine mist of rain had started to come down as promised. Put the ladder away and brought the main door back down again. Little things.

Also thinking here that I will likely have to reskin the man door portion of the trifold entrance out of the garage onto the quarter deck come spring. That door is the original and the damp and wet and snow and snot have laid some serious warp on it. it was custom made in the first place so version two may have to be designed to eliminate what is ailing version one.

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