Doober said:It's doable... if someone hacks this site they can gain access to the IP address every single user has registered from. From there they can get a closer idea of where you live, then they will know where to look for the car. They may not find it for a while, but they'd know what it looks like. That's why I don't post specifics about what I've done security-wise with any of my vehicles, and you can be sure I've changed more than one thing to stop a would-be thief.
Sure that could happen if I wasn't using a laptop on city provided wireless with rotating ips. Then they'd have to find a car that is currently locked in a garage hidden behind my house. I work only four blocks from my house and my wife is always home. My driveway runs down the side of my house within view of my living room. I'm not just going to give out information if I wasn't sure of my cars current security. Why would anyone spend that much effort to steal a beaten down g-body like mine.