Here are pics of all 3 common T5 lengths next to each other with a tape measure for scale.
As for the tilted Firebird T5. To the best of my knowledge that was done for clearance for linkage and later hydraulics. Tipping a left shifter farther left only exacerbates the situation. The 4 spd bellhousing is unique and I don't remember it being rotated. It is also dual bolt pattern. SBC and BOP. My 82 isn't here at the house nor is my spare bell for it. I'll get a pic when I go to my other building. Maybe tomorrow. The F body T5 housing is entirely different as far as I know. Chevy only. I've never compared the 2 oddly enough.
As for the tilted Firebird T5. To the best of my knowledge that was done for clearance for linkage and later hydraulics. Tipping a left shifter farther left only exacerbates the situation. The 4 spd bellhousing is unique and I don't remember it being rotated. It is also dual bolt pattern. SBC and BOP. My 82 isn't here at the house nor is my spare bell for it. I'll get a pic when I go to my other building. Maybe tomorrow. The F body T5 housing is entirely different as far as I know. Chevy only. I've never compared the 2 oddly enough.