Check out my signature, I guess having this exact setup isn't enough to suggest spending $500 on the cam setup? But suggesting to "just get a 350 and an 8.5" rearend" is a reasonable suggestion?
it was actually the op who said he would be upgrading to a 350 in the future so why would you suggest he waste $500 plus his time on the 305. Also for the rear end he has an open carrier and gearing he doesn't like. It would be expensive to get a posi and gears along with paying a shop to do it. It would make more sense for the op to look for an upgrade while he is saving money so he can end up with the drive train he wants. He doesn't have the budget for what he wants so why spend money on stuff that he's planning on changing.
the other side of the coin and with no intention of criticizing the op he took 9 pages on the forum to change his intake. He needs his car to get around and is on a very tight budget. If he attempted a cam change and ended up causing damage he may not have the funds to make the repairs so he be stranded without his car.
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