people calling in your plate number

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Jun 28, 2009
I was just driving to work and had a newer Grand Prix speed up on me.I was reading her lips as she was calling my number in.I was like wtf!After she hung up,she turned and sped off.anyone else have this happen?


Royal Smart Person
Mar 20, 2008
The Po-lice can't do anything If they didn't actually see you do something wrong.

I hads some guy who made a poor driving decision follow me and call in my # and tell them how the whole "close-call" situation was my fault when it was actually his, He even told them where I parked at my workplace. Nothing happened... The most they can do is make note of it I would think...


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Royal Smart Person
Jul 4, 2008
This really doesn't concern anyone. That is unless you're a teenage driving your parents car.

My neighbor called the fuz on a girl who went racing down our street every day, same time like clockwork (must've got out of school or work).

She used to speed around in an old dakota, and every other week we'd see one more big dent in it :lol: . That was okay, because with the pedal to the floor she'd only get to about 40 on our street. Then her ingenious parents bought her a brand new dakota which was a bit faster. Now she was going about 60 down the street. I've even seen crotch rockets speeding through the neighborhood slower than her :roll: So the short version of the story is she swerved out of control one time and almost ran into my truck that was parked in the street, my neighbor saw it and called the cops. For some reason the city cops can't handle those types of situations, so the sherrif went and talked to the household. We haven't seen the new truck in the driveway since (she lived a block away) or her speeding down the street. Take note teens with parental vehicles.


Royal Smart Person
May 13, 2007
Pratt, KS
some guy "supposably" called in my plates when I had to camaro because my friend lived next door and he told me that he called me in but I neverhad anything become of it. :roll:


Apr 7, 2009
Ive had a group of rednecks call my plate in, cops came to my house, searched my car and me all because I asked a kid to buy dope, but I was just mesing with the kid. I don't dry around that part of town anymore. There's a more detailed version of this story in the GBody Tales section somewhere.


Master Mechanic
Sep 8, 2008
stoughton, ma
i called in on a kid who forced me up on the sidewalk one time. i followed him until the cops came and pulled him over and then drove by laughing at him. the dispatcher was even stupid enough to tell me what street he lived on. good thing i'm not a terrorist or something!


G-Body Guru
Aug 10, 2008
I left about a big strip in front of my house and the owner of the store next to me said that an off duty state trooper was in the store and seen it. He said he called it in to the locals.

I told the owner I was at the gas station for a while down the road so if they wanted me they could have gotten me,lol. I know the owner was not lying, there are a lot of cops who live around me but I really don't give a crap.

The most they could do is threaten me. Even years ago I was testing out a motorcycle and the cop couldn't do a damn thing because he didn't see me on the street with it. He threatened me and then he said the bike was stolen. LOL I got the bike from the original owner for free because it didn't run and he was getting old.

Nothing ever happened to me on this stuff.


Sep 30, 2009
naples fl
when i had my 86 supra i was on my home from work when i pulled into an empty parking lot and just started doing donuts and burning my tires(was 19 dumb i know) well there was still traffic and such goin down the road so i found an opening and pulled into traffic...

well i swing by my bank to see about a loan for another caras i pull in a guy in a truck pulls in next to me,well its my cousin he is on the phone sees me backs out and i go into the bank ,as i am talking to the lady about the loan i see a cop checking out my i run out and ask if everything is ok..

he asks if its my car . i tell him yes and ask what is going on(politely i might add,learned its always best to0 be nice to the police)he says someone called in saying that a was doing donuts and they followed it here.he asks if i did and i say yes i did.

he says well i didnt see it so i cant give ya a ticket ,but be safe and thanked me for being honest..
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