The Made in USA thread

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Master Mechanic
Mar 1, 2011
For me its ALL whether the product is well-made, SAFE and does what I need it to do...and isn't gonna break my pockets!! I could care less where it's made. I've bought American made bullshit and I've bought import bullshit. I'm an equal opportunity kind of consumer. I also realize that the most major companies (including the one I work for) outsource EVERYTHING possible to cut the costs of running the company and increasing profit. I've seen tech support for my job go from here in the US to the Phillipines to South America and NOW to Canada and partially back here to the US.

It seems that there's a large population of people that still have this mentality of 'if it's not American I won't buy it" and that's cool... but do you realize that almost NOTHING is made here. Eventually you're gonna have to let that sh*t go and realize it's about the $$$$$ and that your American lifetime warranty isn't worth the paper it's printed on these days. Don't get me wrong I do support American made quality products all day, but i'll also give any other reputable product a chance regardless where it was manufactured.


G-Body Guru
Oct 9, 2012
lg1200 said:
It seems that there's a large population of people that still have this mentality of 'if it's not American I won't buy it" and that's cool... but do you realize that almost NOTHING is made here. Eventually you're gonna have to let that sh*t go and realize it's about the $$$$$ and that your American lifetime warranty isn't worth the paper it's printed on these days. Don't get me wrong I do support American made quality products all day, but i'll also give any other reputable product a chance regardless where it was manufactured.

Most everything Is still made or assembled here if you look for it. The problem is companies like Wal-mart don't carry them because they make more profit off the consumer buying import crap. It is a global market as it should be, but if the product is made and assembled with all foreign labor and material our $$ goes to support those countries economy and not ours. Buying American is a way of putting $$$ into our communities and businesses that invest in our future.
If we as consumers support and ask for American products they will become more easily found again. I also will buy products from other countries except China(unless I must), but I will take the time to look for an American product 1st.

For me I would rather pay more and keep an American employed.


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
CWPottenger said:
lg1200 said:
It seems that there's a large population of people that still have this mentality of 'if it's not American I won't buy it" and that's cool... but do you realize that almost NOTHING is made here. Eventually you're gonna have to let that sh*t go and realize it's about the $$$$$ and that your American lifetime warranty isn't worth the paper it's printed on these days. Don't get me wrong I do support American made quality products all day, but i'll also give any other reputable product a chance regardless where it was manufactured.

Most everything Is still made or assembled here if you look for it. The problem is companies like Wal-mart don't carry them because they make more profit off the consumer buying import crap. It is a global market as it should be, but if the product is made and assembled with all foreign labor and material our $$ goes to support those countries economy and not ours. Buying American is a way of putting $$$ into our communities and businesses that invest in our future.
If we as consumers support and ask for American products they will become more easily found again. I also will buy products from other countries except China(unless I must), but I will take the time to look for an American product 1st.

For me I would rather pay more and keep an American employed.

X2... :D
Nov 4, 2012
The craftsman lifetime warranty guarantees a replacement or repair. They didn't offer either, so I think I'll call back today.

-Sent from School


Master Mechanic
Jul 21, 2009
Recently bought some new towels and washcloths from 1888 mills,had to order them offline but still made in USA nonetheless.Some packs of fruit of the loom socks are still made in USA. I try my damnest to by made in usa or at least assemblied in usa.
Nov 4, 2012
Well, 30 phone numbers, half of which called India, I finally got Craftsman to replace my egg beater drill worth an equivalent tool. God, it only took me two hours of phone calls. It was funny though. I wish I'd have recorded it. It was difficult and a less motivated pain-in-the-*ss would have probably given up. But I finally got my tool. That I'm not really gonna go get.


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
Even though I strive for USA products, I have to admit I have no problems with Canadian and Mexican stuff. Always well made and reasonable. NAFTA was a plan to keep jobs here in North America but it gets blamed for all the cheap Chinese crap too. When I talk to Mexicans they pretty much all say the same thing, they don't like being here. If there were good jobs at home they would return in a heartbeat. It's too cold, too frantic, and too expensive here for them. But they gotta eat, so they come. Plus don't forget that after WWII we GAVE our technology to Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and many more because they were flat on their asses. China just steals our technology, copies it shabbily, and sells it back to you for pennies on the dollar. In the news today was a story of the Chinese military hacking our industries for many years already.


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
I'm wondering if the parts are coming to Canada from China and boxed in Canada, then shipped to the US hiding the fact it came from China


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
I remember a news story about boxes being filled clearly marked "Made in Japan", but the factory they were at was in Nigeria.


Feb 19, 2013
I like this thread.Most people wont care where their stuff comes from until it affects their job.I have a friend who bought a Toyata fj cruiser and we had the talk about buying an American made car.He basically said he didnt care he was going to buy what he wanted.I understand that arguement but what is happening is that most of those middle class jobs are gone now.How can these companies expect to build all of their products overseas and then try to bring em back to a country where nobody has jobs to buy their stuff.
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