Late to the party here, (LOL) but the notion of property and boundaries is kicking me here. Thinking that you need to make absolutely sure where your property lines begin and end along your frontage, and then dig/drill holes and use goofy foot sauna tube; bottom is flared out to resist frost or heaving, and mark the survey points with those. Tip here, Use plenty of rebar and heavy mesh during the pour, even take a bunch of 1/2 or 3/4 inch, 4-6 foot lengths of rebar and drive them straight down beyond the bottom of the tube. Doing that gives you an absolute frame or reference for what is yours and what is public. After that, well....... Did you ever hear the urban legend about how potatoes like to congregate in groups and then hide in automobile exhaust pipes to keep warm?
Or the one about license plates somehow disappearing from nuisance vehicles and then turning up as replacement floorboards in old toyotas in junk yards the next state or two over?
Or how about the rumor about a bunch of nuisance vehicles whose owners thought they would look more "cool' if they blacked out their tail lights, only they did just one and left the other red, so it sort of looked like a dead tail light bulb?? Probable cause laws allowing police to pull over a vehicle for mechanical infractions?