I checked into it. Actually super easy to get it on holley. If you want a base map I can send it to you, I made up a quickie.Sure! So the crank has an 18x wheel on it from the factory on the outside of the balancer, and a ~3x "sync" signal on the inside.
The cam shaft has a single magnet on it.
There's guys who have run these things on Holley EFI (which is what I'm currently planning on doing) and they're using the 3x "sync" crank trigger. The Sync signal is actually not evenly spaced though so it's not really a 3x signal. I'm planning on running a universal crank trigger wheel when I go to Holley's EFI instead because it doesn't allow a 18x signal.
I'll try to dig up some literature on it but I believe they are a hall effect signal.
Edit: Yup, both cam and crank are both hall effect sensors
If someone made some aluminum heads I would be IN for a 3800. Unfortunately its not really worth it for a 50lb weight advantage over a steel block LS.