Haven't done much to the car, been in negotiations with my neighbor about the windshield, he's taking care of it and likely taking down the tree at fault. Anyway on Sunday did a little work to the redhead. Started off with a little damage assessment pretaining to the mess that is the roof. It ended up with me just buzzing the whole thing off :buff: to reveal some nasty doings

(lets just say I was rather pissed when I saw what was done). What I am going to show you all is a perfect example of how not to do body work.
Exhibit A: piled high filler
Not even the quarter windows escaped the wrath of glop.
For this boogered example I used an angle grinder with a 24 grit disc to cut through the mess (normally I would never take a 24g disc to sheet metal). As I started grinding away a chunk of sh*t flew up caught me in the cheek (ok, not a real chunk of sh*t, smartasses :haha: ), low and behold what the body fller was hiding!

That looks like a piece of tin foil, it isn't, but it might just as well be. Adhesive backed patch panels is what it is, garbage sh*t that chain auto parts stores sell to unsuspecting consumers thinking it's a proper fix for their car. Asshats

This next batch of pics is where I stopped to evaluate the situation.
You can see the outline of the foil patches....
I have no clue what I'm going to do with this, whether I try to fix what's there, re skin the roof, replace the entire roof, or make a patch panel (sheet metal welded in of course). Time will tell, for now it's covered up waiting on my decision.
For sh*ts and giggles, that's alot of dust just from the roof....lol

Stay tuned for my attempt at making this right