Not a whole lot to report here, other than after a weekend of nothing but foul ups caused by me, I took yet another break from working on the car.
Yup that's my new winshield, I cracked it Saturday as I was making my haggard attempt to remove it. I haven't broke one in over ten years, needless to say, but I was very pissed at and disgusted with myself for that.

After removing the rear window with no issues (go figure) I deserted the car as it was.
I must press on though, last night I was given a surge of ambition, no clue where it came from, but I figured I had better take advantage of it while it's there. It was time to start the surgery, I wheeled my air compressor over to my garage (still haven't moved my tools from my parents yet
😳 ), put down my fire barrier, and started the chop.
Safety first :wink: , heavy canvas tarp keeps me from lighting the interior a blaze and burning my garage down, lol.
Protects the windows from sparks as well.
After a few beers: (have to wait for the compressor to catch up, lol)
the roof ready for removal.
I have to say, that first cut into the roof was exactly what I needed, it sent me back into my normal state of mind. Construstive destruction is key, my long week of botches and screw ups stopped haunting me, the outside worlds stress took a hike, I have finally pulled my head out of my *ss! My glass is half full again! wait a second, no, piss on that half full sh*t, my whole fridge is full!
You are now viewing the rarest of all Eagles, may I present, the Bald Eagle! Complete with a full length non retractable moon roof! This is a one of none, get a glimpse while you can, it may be the last one you'll ever see!
I have to admit, moving the car around the yard with the wonderful view of last nights sky was pretty stellar, was kinda diggin the no top, lol.
Ok enough monkey business, time for the test fit. Yes I know my garage is a disaster, I'm working on it, lol.
Yup it fits, lol. So that was about it for last nights antics, well, almost, lol. I had to take advantage of the unique photo opp I was given.
Me happy + A few beers = Random acts of sensless stupidity.
Just me being a dork again, :lol: .