Well I've been gone for way too long.
Trying to get settled into the house. We've had a bunch a family come and visit and I thought moving 12 hours away was gonna keep them away.
I but I'm starting to get a couple things together to do some work on the interior of the Cutlass.
I ordered a carpet off RockAuto. Today I'll ordering a Flock kit so I can flock the dash. Probably going to order an interior hardware kit with clips as well.
Trying to get settled into the house. We've had a bunch a family come and visit and I thought moving 12 hours away was gonna keep them away.
I but I'm starting to get a couple things together to do some work on the interior of the Cutlass.
I ordered a carpet off RockAuto. Today I'll ordering a Flock kit so I can flock the dash. Probably going to order an interior hardware kit with clips as well.