Went looking for a grommet/plug/cover that went along with the shifter cable for a floor mount auto-stick that kept the noise and crud from getting into the cabin through the access hole in the tunnel; AND Couldn't Find It!! OPG does not show it as a part number. Not sure where the old one got off to; been five years or longer since I pulled that whole area apart. it is probably sitting on a shelf, in a bag, with its screws and labelled, but sfa in my mind for the location. Physically it looks more or less like a circle, about two inches in diameter, with two ears for the screws. The ears are not in line with the C/L of the circle; but asymmetrically oriented towards the right side. Am I going to have to bite the bullet on this one and make a replacement or do these doodads still show up in the parts catalogue?
You're in LUCK!
G Body Parts has just released the floor shifter cable grommet (think this is exactly what you're looking for)!