Yesterday, took both AC airboxes out and disassembled, cleaned, and mix and matched the best parts of both into one. It was interesting, and somewhat enjoying, to see the internals of the airbox. There some minor differences in the external parts, one of these came from a '78 Cutlass, the other from an '81 El Camino. When I finish this setup, it is destined for my '78 Caballero.
'78 Cutlass airbox before disassembly.
Keeping the '78 mainbody, and evaporator, using the '81 heater core, top cover, and leaf screen.
90% complete reassembly.
Today, I am working with the electrical harnesses for this airbox, deleting some of the '81 engine stuff. I will have to take a look at my '79 El Camino which already has AC, and the electrical schematics, to see what not to throw away.
When the time comes to install it, I will
remove the top cover and evaporator to lighten the unit during installation, then reinstall the evaporator, and seal the top cover, and use the ducting from the '81 El Camino to go with the '81 dashboard from the same El Camino.
I am going to have to order some parts, so I hope to be finished with this before end of summer.