Changed the oil; put some of that Engine repair liquid stuff in with the oil along with a touch of Zinc. May not help the problem any but so long as I can start the car get up and down the ramps or turn it around as you see here in the pic then the longer it lasts the better. Just a few more bits here an there to do while I am saving for the SBC 350. The way things are going the new Engine probably won't happen until toward the end of November, Still could be a chance of it happening sooner that will just depend on a few things.
Right now I am awaiting for the new paint I put onto the Taillights to dry, I also re-paint the Plate - Fuel filler area once again except for the top part of it to match the taillights. I'll show you when I get it all together tomorrow.
This was a very $hitty Vacation with the 6" inches of snow we got on Tuesday it's all melted now but the mountain still has some lingering on it's top. . Allot more stuff around the house to get done too. Hopefully it'll stay warm a bit longer.
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