Desire, necessity, and impetus, finally got together and impelled me to don my next to dirtiest, not so white anymore, bunny suit and slide under the Monte for the express purpose of filling the Muncie with T-fluid expressly for manual boxes. it took a bottle and a half of Red Line MTL synthetic to make it full enough to have the fluid start dripping out the inspection/fill port. Wish I could have used a syphon gun for this exercise but, of course, it has gone on vacation and can't be found. Plan B became one of my pump type oil cans, suitably sterilized, and repeatedly filled with the T-oil, nozzle stuck into the filling hole and stroke that trigger.
My only regret with this box is that I did not drill and tap the boss in the bottom for a drain plug. The last iterations had them and some of the boxes were casted with the bosses but left undrilled. I have just enough useable bits left over from the build that I am thinking about assembling a back up, JIC. Would have to do some digging to find a good case and tailshaft housing. Would also have to figure out if I can drill the stock midplate so that I can use the Texas c-shaft with its locking bolt. Just another something to do to write down on the list of all the other "to do's" that has compiled itself over the years.
Still want to try and drop the rear end out and move it aside so that I can access the floor pan and clean and paint it to match all the new sheet metal. Over the diff is the last place that has to be done to get all that completed. Work, wark, Work, wark, Work, wark, wark, wark, wark, wark.................