Well of course it didn't and it got even more complicated. BTW the carb fit nicely and upon cranking gave all indcations it would start, but didn' t. I gave up early because the carb inlet was dripping and all efforts to get it sealed have not yet worked, It sealed fine before, so go figure! Instead, I have not figutred out where the water is getting out, before I try starting it again I will have to hoist it up and see. Crawling around under a car not high enough off the ground is what I enjoy the most at 70Chuck,
Ck80 May offer you a 6 pack of cheap beer and half a pizza for the elky of things don’t go as planned.
But seriously, hope everything goes well.
! woke up in the middle of the night wonderiing if my block is cracked in a place I haven;t yet discovered. Not water in the oil and no oil in the water makes my nightmare just a dream, but I am going to find it! The up side is I have a 1970 350 Engine sitting on the floor so if I have to pull it and start over I can. HAHAHA!