Nothing. Got the test and tune on the Van's ECU about as close as it has to be, but never did manage to get it to go into high idle during warm up. It does warm up okay but does it in a weird way. Giving some serious thought to scoring a refurbished laptop and downloading the tuning maps to see if I can identify the issue. Not sure if this can be done with the FI TEch units; more research needed on the matter. Bother.
One winter project for it is the reconstruction of the exhaust system. This might be highly problematic as just locating new head pipes has proved to be very difficult. Easier to find them for a 1961 Valiant!! Insult to injury is the one exhaust manifold which may need to be dropped to replace all the studs. No room to work and they are the original bolts holding it in place. High Pucker/Scare factor here. Retrieving the stump of a snapped bolt means pulling the entire engine!!! Heat is NOT an option. Do not want to burn my shop down. Insurance has no humor for that kind of mishap. Might be possible to drill the old studs out and rethread the ears but again, room is at a premium and the oil filter is right there.
Of course I could yank the whole motor and try to stuff that 5.3 in. About all that would be needed would be a set of adjustable front motor mounts. The deep pan could stay and so could the stock plenum. Biggest problems would be the wiring and fuel. The stock harness wouldn't work because it has nothing to mate to. It would be close to an entire rewire job to convert the van's wiring to accept the 5.3's ECU and fuse box. Be okay if this was a frame off project and done to the nuts stripped but, it ain't.
The solution? to all that misery would be to use the 5.3 but swap the plenum and its FI system for a standard manifold and carb or a Holley or similar FI substitute. Holley would be simpler just because it comes with its own ECU and harness; minimal invasive surgery to the existing wiring needed. And then there are the front brackets, no A/C or smog pump but still tight across the shoulders. And, oh yeah, there are the mods to the fuel system to perform...................
Yeah, I have given this some thought. Biggest obstacle, no matter what the decision ends up being, is the budget; There isn't any.