Did a bit more trimming on my rube goldberg designed custom made torquing and turning assistance tool. Introduced the drive end plate to my 4.5 for a little more editing and shaving to get it to both look and feel better. Today was supposed to the day that the finish welding was done but had to cancel that. Too old for the cold and spent most of the day dancing with the doctors, anyway; looks like they may have to tweak my heart meds and possibly add another to the list. I may slide on out to the shop in a day or two and do the finish passes myself. The tacks came out beautifully so creating a stack of tacks would do the trick but, (ain't there always a butt)....................................
While it's supposed to warm up tomorrow but around here that usually means more snow, **&%&#@#@&%$#@!!**. Was forced to dig out my snow blower for the last dump and the repair/rebuild work that I did to the carb last winter was worth every penny and minute of it; the brute lit off and idled down very nicely. The post mortem on the carb pre rebuild confirmed my suspicion that the float had sank; turnss out it was brass and the solder in the seams had been contaminated by the gas and rotted out. A quick shake of the part and you could hear the liquid inside. the new ones are some kind of poly-plastic and supposedly gas resistant. But, to be safe, I have a whole new one still in the box and waiting to be needed. Thought about tweaking the idle just a hair to smooth it out and bump it up a titch but left it as is for now. Tweaking carb settings while standing in a snow bank with my back to the wind got old thirty years ago. Nothing has happened since then to change my opinion on the subject.