Problem for me is my solvent tank. Back when I first bought it and assembled it, I poured in 15 gallons of Var-sol and turned the pump on. Pump lasted about a minute and blew up. Turns out that the pump was rated for solvent all right but it was the water based stuff only. Can get a new pump but water based anything equals $$$$$. You have to buy 5 gallons of the stuff to get the tablespoon full that you mix into 110 liters of water. Not getting into the whole business of bio-degradable.
What I need is a pump that can handle and tolerate petroleum based solvent aka Varsol. Was thinking that I could rig an electric motor and couple it to a rotary pump but also think that needs some kind of rheostat to control the rpm or the pump will be throwing solvent all over the shop. Any one here on the forums know of a vendor or supplier that offers replacement electric pumps that can be fitted to a wash tank and that can handle varsol?
dunno but post if you do find one. Friends home shop had the same issue and he ended up tossing the parts washer on his mezzanine. He ended up with a plastic laundry tub likely out of the garbage ( but you can get them from HD ), a sink stopper and a 5 gallon pail under the drain. Calls it " the slop sink" LOL Put your parts in the sink, add what solvent you need and brush away with the greatest selection of dollar store brushes. Oven rack fits over the top with a couple tabs welded on the sides.