What did you do to your non-G body project today? [2023]

Paused the work on fabricating the '47 Chief fender mounting brackets so's i could create a template to show me just how much of that fender had been cut away in its previous life. Turns out to be an estimated 8 inches of curve were removed at some point. Thinking maybe an accident as the body of the fender is solid and dent/rust free so if not an accident then maybe some ancient attempt by a former owner to make his ride look "cool" by bobbing the front fender. it was a popular thing to do around 60 years ago, but it leaves me with the problem of where to find a donor from which to harvest that missing section so that I can re-attach it, or least re-attach some of it. Finding a whole one is bad enough, about along the line of finding a good unmolested or sun damaged headliner for a station wagon in the salvage yard, but finding a junker that I can use as a donor, well where's that chicken so's i can grab its teeth! I like the bob but would have taken less....just me and my personal preferences.

Stopped working on my dads coronet to start working on the 318 poly for another one of his ugly mopars
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Yeah, I'm curious about your plans for critter abatement as well. There are plants and herbs that can be planted in with the veggies that will deter some varmints from trying to score a free meal but the only thing a deer will respond well to is a deer slug in the A** And they are perfectly capable of jumping a fence as much as 6 feet or taller. They'll even rear back on their hind legs and sort of stand up erect to try and access the lower branches of a tree. That's why a lot of pine and spruce have no lower branches, the deer consumed them.

If you went with the combination of berm and moat or ditch that the romans used to create around their forts, that might work as the deer would jump the fence and land in the moat or clear the moat but crash into the berm. Deer are not stupid, just obstinate and about as single minded as a pigeon; basically rats with antlers.

Yeah, I'm curious about your plans for critter abatement as well. There are plants and herbs that can be planted in with the veggies that will deter some varmints from trying to score a free meal but the only thing a deer will respond well to is a deer slug in the A** And they are perfectly capable of jumping a fence as much as 6 feet or taller. They'll even rear back on their hind legs and sort of stand up erect to try and access the lower branches of a tree. That's why a lot of pine and spruce have no lower branches, the deer consumed them.

If you went with the combination of berm and moat or ditch that the romans used to create around their forts, that might work as the deer would jump the fence and land in the moat or clear the moat but crash into the berm. Deer are not stupid, just obstinate and about as single minded as a pigeon; basically rats with antlers.

Fence on the outside. Sharpened spikes on the inside. If they're dumb enough to jump it fresh venison and eggs for breakfast.
So, then, a classic Roman Palisade plus a surprise. They jump the fence and fall headlong into the ditch. Having that happen will cause them to panic and try to get out, and become venison shiska-bob as a result. As an extra added attraction, you could always put a snake or two in the ditch to keep them company, and possibly tend to the rabbit and small varmint population along the way. i hear Florida is paying 300.00+ a pop for folks as is crazy enough to wander around in the glades and hunt pythons and monitor lizards and other invasive species.
Got around to doing more demo on my rotten bathroom. I somehow managed to lift and walk the cast iron out of the way. Subfloor rot is worse than I thought, it goes under the side wall of the shower and part of the floorplate it rotted too. Thankfully this wall is non load bearing and its my cellar steps on the other side. The rot also extends under the shower head wall into the bathroom closet, this wall never had a floorplate which speaks to the quality of the construction. Going to have take out and rebuild this wall and the closet now. However, I am concerned that the subfloor rot extends out under the hallway wall which is load bearing. I can see from the basement that the affected plywood panel ends right under the wall. I probably can build a brace in the hallway if needed.

If this bathroom was a car I would junk it.
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