Well.............the original plan was to wash the front picture window and take the opportunity to inspect the frame/trim paint and touch up any issues.......................yeah, right.
The reality check was three hours spent on a ladder with, first, a hand scraper to remove all the loose debris, and then my electric orbital sander to get the rest off. Add two more hours to make a run to the hardware store for paint, rollers, brushes, and a couple of clean bunny suits, then back onto the ladder to apply two coats of Zinser 1-2-3 primer/sealant to the fresh bare wood.
Good thing too, as it just finished raining, complete with thunder and lightening, that no one had forecasted to happen until it did.
Got off the ladder, cleaned up the roller and brush and tray, put it all away, and returned back into the shop to shoot a coat(s) of clear to seal the basecoat shot that I applied on the fender inner flanges of the S-10. That completes, (I think), all the paint work for this year. (That woodpecker sound is me hammering away on wood, jic)
Tomorrow will be back up the ladder to apply the top coat colors, then spend some quality time with the DMV to renew my llcense for the G-10, Maybe along the way I can take a detour and finally get to that pick a part yard out in the industrial zone. After that, put the front wheels back on the S-10 and torque the wheel nuts, then put it back on the floor again. About time as this job has taken way too long due mostly to having to regularly down tools to call in work call in.
The hope is that I can all or most of the above done tomorrow as the rest of the week is forcasted to be a soggy wet mess. Of course it is, Canadian Turkey Day is next Monday and, up here at least, long weekends usually come with at least one day of rain.]
The reality check was three hours spent on a ladder with, first, a hand scraper to remove all the loose debris, and then my electric orbital sander to get the rest off. Add two more hours to make a run to the hardware store for paint, rollers, brushes, and a couple of clean bunny suits, then back onto the ladder to apply two coats of Zinser 1-2-3 primer/sealant to the fresh bare wood.
Good thing too, as it just finished raining, complete with thunder and lightening, that no one had forecasted to happen until it did.
Got off the ladder, cleaned up the roller and brush and tray, put it all away, and returned back into the shop to shoot a coat(s) of clear to seal the basecoat shot that I applied on the fender inner flanges of the S-10. That completes, (I think), all the paint work for this year. (That woodpecker sound is me hammering away on wood, jic)
Tomorrow will be back up the ladder to apply the top coat colors, then spend some quality time with the DMV to renew my llcense for the G-10, Maybe along the way I can take a detour and finally get to that pick a part yard out in the industrial zone. After that, put the front wheels back on the S-10 and torque the wheel nuts, then put it back on the floor again. About time as this job has taken way too long due mostly to having to regularly down tools to call in work call in.
The hope is that I can all or most of the above done tomorrow as the rest of the week is forcasted to be a soggy wet mess. Of course it is, Canadian Turkey Day is next Monday and, up here at least, long weekends usually come with at least one day of rain.]