What did you do to your shop today?

I've had some of these more tn 5 years without a burnout.

These Feit brand shop lights are a recurring sale item. Since you pick them at the store, shipping damage is avoidable (unless you drop one hanging it up...🙄)

Best part is that Costco generally accepts returns for 30 days in case you discover a did after opening the box.

I don't recall seeing a limit on the box for the number of daisies....

Thats the next step if these are garbage. I certainly wasnt impressed with the sams club ones, although the fixture itself was miles ahead of the amazon ones as far as aesthetic. Actually having a shroud to direct the light downward would definitely improve mine. A more reflective ceiling and light epoxied floor would be nice too.

Definitely agree with the above comment, epoxy it now or wish you did forever
So function and form had a bit of a mental discussion and today, Friday, I ended up cutting a second section of sheet metal and fabricating a replacement panel for the lower wind baffle/diverter on my man door on the garage. The first version sort of worked to block some of the wind and cold but didn't as it still allowed the cold wind to sort of ooze by and you could feel the breeze if you held your hand to the door edge.
Still setting up the new and new-to-me tire machine and balancer. Changer is ready to go to work. I spent a little extra for the 3rd arm option and I know I won't regret it. Balancer is waiting on a cone set since it was incomplete.
I have shop envy. If you have any interest in the epoxy floor coating, now would be time while it's empty.
That is a good thought, and I thought about it already. The problem is it does not fit my style ( I am a very messy person) and more than half of it will be used as a barn. They guys that did the floor for me made it pretty smooth and flat it is nice enough for me. Some day I plan to add an addition to the back like another 25 foot or so for the tractor, skidsteer, and some hay. Jared all it takes is money and time. Kind of like everything in this world. You just have too decide what is more important that's all.
Post move cleaning and organization...

On the upside Costco had a great shelving rack for $200 Canadian Pesos. Way better than my Cambodian Tire one from before. The bigger one is the Costco shelf, nice wrinkle finish on it.


50% there...

LED lights on on the way from Amazon, 4 linkable 4500 lumen lights should make a difference. Plan is for 8 eventually.

More to come.
Still setting up the new and new-to-me tire machine and balancer. Changer is ready to go to work. I spent a little extra for the 3rd arm option and I know I won't regret it. Balancer is waiting on a cone set since it was incomplete.View attachment 126120

I hope you didn't get burned to bad....this is the real MayFlower, the one you got isn't even a good copy of it

Expanding my 24x24 garage. Sort of. Ordered a 10x20 building to put all of my yard/garden maintenance equipment in. Along with a sh*tload of stuff I haven't touched in several years but can't get rid of it. I took the kids swing set apart (in the rain) as that is the best space to place the new building. You can't really tell how big the swing set is, 8ft tall x 4 wide x 20 long. The new building will replace nicely. Freeing up scads of space in the garage.
Expanding my 24x24 garage. Sort of. Ordered a 10x20 building to put all of my yard/garden maintenance equipment in. Along with a sh*tload of stuff I haven't touched in several years but can't get rid of it. I took the kids swing set apart (in the rain) as that is the best space to place the new building. You can't really tell how big the swing set is, 8ft tall x 4 wide x 20 long. The new building will replace nicely. Freeing up scads of space in the garage. View attachment 127253 View attachment 127254
I've been looking at one of them to get crap out of the garage too! I only have a 1 car garage, so with bikes, creepers, etc I have to move stuff out to have room around the car.
Eventually I'll build a detached garage out back, and since the Cutlass "stinks" up the kitchen my wife is on board with moving it to the backyard lol.

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