Four hours worth of industry and toil, sorting the inventory into high, medium, and low necessity access, and relocating it from where it was at to where I needed it to be and I ended up with this.
In all its greasy, crusty glory, i present to you, My "InFamous Bay One" The surprise for the day is that it is actually empty!! An event that I had to document purely to prove that it had genuinely occurred and was not a figment of my admittedly way off centre imagination.
Moved out from behind my Monte so I could move the Monte back about four more feet and gain that additional room for the least needed items in my inventory, My Harley Davidon peeks out from under its covers. In this location it will be easier to exit the building and go for ride. I do still need to drain the tanks as the gas in them is pre Covid and even with fuel stabilizer does not smell anywhere near "sweet"
Finally, laid out in single file in a neat row behind my bike are my "Project Orphan LS", my engine puller, a stack of totes that contain parts for the various vehicles that have a high to medium priority for service work; example of that being the transmission pan swap that the van received--the gaskets and screws and ATF pickups are in one of those totes. If I can get a neighbor to actually pull the trigger and buy that spare furnace and portable Generac unit that I have, then the Orphan will join the engine line that sits against the west wall. Of all the mills that I have, the least needed is the Vortec 305 that I snatched out of the Monte when I started its odyssey. The matching 200R4 is on the garden cart and will likely stay there until ?????
And last but not least, next door in Bay Two, my MonteCarlo awaits one more round ot the "Knife" I still have to cut away a lot more of the inner rocker panel before i can start the process of replacing all that dead rusticulated nastiness with good fresh steel. The replacement parts are already made and waiting, it is just that almost every time I find a minute or two, something else pops up and demands my immediate attention, like work for example (LOL).
Anyway, the van is back in Bay One for an unexpected plug change and some investigaton into the electric choke which does not seem to be choking as it ought to. So it will be the S-10 that brings home my latest acquisition; only five years after I ordered and paid for it.