WTF with ga$ price$?

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snotrocket71 said:
and if you thought oil was bad, electric power in this country is a damn shame. the vast majority of it is created from coal burning plants that are some of the dirtiest and most inefficient set ups imaginable. to top off coal power, the dust travels in the jetstream from the midwest or where ever the plant is and settles all across the U.S. and even as far as greenland where it creates dark patches that helps glaciers melt faster. My favorite is "clean coal" commercials...MY *ss clean coal... its mind boggling all the contradicting things we do for the all mighty dollar and how quick the many bend to agendas of the very very few, we need the reset button to be pushed ASAP
...This is all just my opinion and what i believe to facts, please feel free to condemn or to correct anything... -Josh

20 years ago I might have agreed with you. However, now our coal plants are the cleanest coal plants in the world. I won't argue that there aren't cleaner solutions, as well as different fuels, but as a coal to coal comparison, the US is consistently the cleanest.
86MCCL said:
Blame it on G.Bush,Is that right.Mr Obama? :puke:

Yeah.... becasue the gas prices are rising because of this President :roll:

Barry should have sent a message and kicked BP in the balls....twice :x
might not have helped the prices but man, I would have been a great thing to happen
pontiacgp said:
sun spots have alot more to do with our climate than oil and coal does or ever did or ever will.....the global warming was an invention so a few can make money like Mr. Gore...ever wonder where the last ice age went?
I defeinetly agree with your point, i was saying that it has more to do with creating nasty side effects: acidic rain, creating glacial melt, lowering air quality, putting fine particulates in the atmosphere, etc not so much global warming as much as just being plain old dirty and inefficient. we should have kept with nulcear, only about 10% of our power is nuclear(im pretty sure at least), whereas france's power is nearly all nuclear as is most other countries, but then the problem of storing the waste creeps up but even thats starting to be adressed (yucca mountain). the biggest problem with nuclear power is the general publics mindset: NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) which is understandable to an extent. roughly a mile away from me is a decomishioned nuclear power plant, you can see this thing from my backyard when theres no leaves on the trees. it was built in the 80's and ws met with fierce protest but it was still built ruining a beautiful landscape (its right on a salt water marsh that hasnt changed much since the time of the indians in fact i had teachers that used to go on field trips before the plant was built and collect indian artifacts). the power company ran the plant for ten friggin minutes to test it at 5% power and never ran it again, it was a total waste of time and money and the damn thing is as ugly as sin (its a 5 story turquoise monstrosity!). no one wanted it in their back yard, it was a total blunder, poorly planned and executed from inception. Everyone says "yeah go nuclear" but no one wants it in there town, or backyard for that matter... theres all kinds of technology to minimize oil: wind farms, solar, hydrogen (ironically the bi product of hydrogen cars is water vapor which is a more potent green house gas than CO2), geo thermal, water, the list goes on... i know i kinda went on a rant but theres a point somewhere in there, and please dont think i'm some tree hugging hippy for thats not the case, i care about how people have no problem screwing up a beautiful thing just to fatten their wallet and living where i live its something thats sad to see land be irreversibly changed and developed... -Josh
Larryg said:
Before long we'll have a forum dedicated to putting V6's back in our G bodies!

Seriously, the future is electric. Our problem is how we make electricity. We really do need to start building brand new nuke plants, and fast too. The rest of the world is way ahead of us on this. We've grown up with a lot fear about there safety yet we insist on running these really old plants. Once we have those in place we'll start to have the infrastructure for electric cars. We already know they can be made to go really fast and plenty far, they just cost too much. They'll go down. I would love a car that makes no sound other than the rubber screaming.

I love how the gov has NO incentive to do something about the gas prices because they make MORE on taxes when the prices go up.

And China has the market for the rare earth metals needed for the batteries so the dependency goes from the Middle East to China. Also the supply of lithium is limited...
I'm with however pointed out the cycle around presidential elections, there certainly is a common historical cycle about this time of year, every four years. :x Sucks real bad, but there's not much to do. Did you hear about all those berkely hippies who were mucho pissed when their power was out for a week and they couldn't charge their cars? I thought that was great, personally. :lol:
nothing will probably be done until sh*t really hits the fan, even then it'd be a clusterf*ck of indecison and finger pointing... i think we have enough shot gun ammo and deer in my area to survive for a while :twisted: ...
snotrocket71 said:
i think we have enough shot gun ammo and deer in my area to survive for a while :twisted: ...

Amen to that brother... At work years ago (before Y2K) I stated I wasn't worried about Y2K because I had plenty of guns and ammo. My co-worker was like "I can't believe you'd do that". I said what, you know I hunt. He said "Oh, I thought you meant you were going to go rob people". :rofl:

Whatever happens with the U.S. energy situation, I think it will get much worse before it gets better.
pontiacgp said:
sun spots have alot more to do with our climate than oil and coal does or ever did or ever will.....the global warming was an invention so a few can make money like Mr. Gore...ever wonder where the last ice age went?

Congratz on not being a moron. No Sarcasm what so ever.
In his defense Stomis, it has been shown that earth has went through natural warming and cooling cycles long before we started influencing it. This extreme? Probably not, but cycles none-the-less...
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