Thanks man, I appreciate the tips for sure. Funny you mentioned the "ground coat" method as that's what I usually try to do when spraying. This time I wanted to follow the instructions that SEM recommends as it's the 1st time using their stuff. I followed prep, and it said 2-3 medium wet coats with 5 mins flash between.
I would say maybe it was an issue with not using an adhesion promoter as SEM says it's not needed on metal...but the rest of the windows looked great so that's not the issue. I should be used to it by now, but I hate spending sooooo much time prepping a part for paint, just to have it pissed me off and have to do it over!!!!
Once again Donovan, thanks and I will take extra extra time on round 2 and hope it works.
Hey man, it happens. Not much we can do about it. Fish eyes and poor adhesion can be a real PITA to deal with, and unfortunately you don't know they're there until it's too late. It happens to the best painters in the world too, if that's any consolation.
I know you mentioned SEM doesn't recommend using an adhesion promoter, but it certainly couldn't hurt anything.
Try the lacquer thinner trick, followed by your wax and grease remover, some compatible adhesion promoter, and the ground coat method. It might be a bit overkill, but if it works and saves you from having to redo it a third time, then it'll be worth it.
Just my thoughts and some things to try. Hope it works out for you, I'm looking forward to the results. Other than the one trouble spot, they look great man. Keep on keepin' on.
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