1st and foremost, you need to understand how to set a TV cable. IF you stick with that carb and TV cable, then you can use the factory TV set procedure. Tighten the cable up several notches by pressing on the bronze colored tab and pulling back on the cable. Then snap the throttle to full throttle by hand quickly. This will reset the TV cable - verify that there is still some tension on the TV cable at closed throttle and you should be OK. If there is not any tension (loose), the you'll need to redo or let us know and we'll give you different method.
Then on to the throttle cable. You need someone n the car to step on the throttle to WOT (with the engine off). Once they get the pedal on the floor, the you push on the throttle to try to open it farther,. If it will go farther, then you need to tighten up the cable. I'd guess from the looks of it that it will go further. You tighten the throttle cable by either shortening it or moving the the mounting bracket farther away from the carb.