Phase Three begins
Now that the stock engine and trans are out, it's time to prepare the engine bay for the new ones. Not much is involved in this phase; my primary goal is to remove most of the 35+ years worth of oily goo, ooze and sludge that have accumulated on the crossmember and frame rails. I'll also need to swap out the V6 motor mounts for the V8 ones. After that, I'll pretty much be ready to set the new engine and trans in place.
As I mentioned, the first part of Phase Three involves cleaning. For that, I need to get the car to a pressure washer. This meant spending the afternoon loading the car on my trailer--a car which has no parking brake, if you had forgotten--and I had to do it by myself. This would require creativity.
Step 1: roll the car down the driveway onto the street, with the nose aimed downhill; use wheel chocks to hold it in place.
Step 2: hook up the trailer to the Suburban.
Step 3: maneuver the trailer into position while simultaneously jack-knifing the Suburban.
Step 4: use the trailer jack to make sure the trailer is at an uphill angle relative to the Pontiac.
Step 5: maneuver the Jeep onto the lawn and begin tow-strapping the car toward the trailer.
Just as I was about to hit the ramps, my neighbor came home. Seeing the circus, he walked over and offered to assist. This meant he could operate the steering wheel while I continued to pull the car onto the trailer. I re-positioned the Jeep and the strap, and it went the rest of the way up without disaster.
Fun fact: about 28 years ago, a friend stole a pair of orange road cones and gave one to me. I hung on to it all these years because... well, I don't know why. It has typically sat in a closet or in the garage, simply gathering dust. But today, I
finally found a practical use for it!
At last, I was ready to start cleaning.