I been working on the car some lately. I found out I needed a ESC module and a pigtail to make my knock gauge work.
I bought and mounted a nother fuse block under the dash to run my added on stuff. I fabbed up a wiring harness for my knock gauge and ESC module.
I routed some wiring under the hood and got everything wired that I could. I have to wait until I get my fuelinjected system before I can wire the ignition system. I was looking into how to wire the ignition system to the Holley Sniper, and I ran across how to set up the distributor. I originally put the engine on top dead cylinder number one, dropped the distributor in, and lined up number one plug wire. Like you would with a Chevy HEI. Found out that was wrong. Probably is I could not reach the harmonic balancer or turn the distributor enough with all acessories on the engine. So I had to take a bunch of stuff back off the front of the engine to make room to work.
The distributor mechanical advance is already locked out, so am good there. They say to put the engine 30* advanced, line the reluctor wheel and magnetic pick up, and lock the distributor down. Then you go to 15* and set the rotor up. I have a extra cap that was worn out so I drilled a hole in the side of it so I can see were the rotor lines up with the contact. Found it was not lined up close enough so I have to wait until my adjustable rotor shows before I can go any further with the timing. 50 bucks shipped for that rotor. Kind of pricey! I played with my knock gauge some. I have all the knock system all wired up with the ESC module and gauge. Turned on the power, tapped on the engine with a hammer and watched the gauge. Nothing happened. I was trying to use the factory 80 two wire knock sensor for this. I think either my sensor is bad or will not work with the modern ESC module. So I ordered a newer style one wire knock sensor for a 87
Grand National and a pigtail. I think I will put it in a water jacket in the front of engine like a 87 engine instead of in rear block like my 80 engine. I was advised by a Grand National guy to do that any ways. He said I will be less apt to get false knock that way. We will see how that works out I guess. On a nother note I emailed Chis at Efi System Pro, and asked him some questions about the Holley Sniper. He said I can run the Sniper with boost and control the timing with it on my Buick six cylinder . He said with new software that is out, it is no big deal and they will help me get it running. He wants me to call him Monday and go over more in detail as to what I will have to do to make it all work. Now all I need is some money! That's it for now. Thanks for following along.