I have a 97 motor from a Camaro under my workbench. I've been sitting on. It's just waiting for a Sunbird or Astre to come back in my life. It was a knocker. Have the PCM and all the accessories. I think it gets no real love because...V6. Plus all the fabrication you mentioned. To most people that's a high bar. An LS is more available and many swap parts are available. Let's face it. Most people know jack about building a car, but they saw a YouTube video so they are ready to go. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. YouTube told them swap an LS and Amazon will sell them a turbo kit to make a jillion hp.
I've even considered swapping it into one of these extra third gen f cars I have laying around. I love your swap man. #inspiring
I've even considered swapping it into one of these extra third gen f cars I have laying around. I love your swap man. #inspiring