So I ordered my 750 street demon carb, black powered coated 14 inch air cleaner, street demons throttle and kick down bracket last friday. I knew today was the big day so I stopped at the auto parts store for some clamps, fuel line and a wix see thru fuel fitler. After taking my daughter to the park for awhile we went home to my umi sway bars, eibach lowering kit and my new carb setup. When my son got home from school he cleaned up in the lab some and at 12yrs old he did a great job taking off the old holley 650bp and on went the street demon. Installation went off great since everything I needed came in the kit except the new lines, filter and clamps. Plus I knew enough to buy a better air cleaner. After bolting it down, hooking everything up and priming the carb. I let my son start the car. She started instantly and settled into a idle! !!! wth??? Yes outta the box start up. I set the idle and we went for a ride. Um I should say I cant nor never liked holley carbs so reading about the street demon and understanding how to tune it before I spent the cash helped. I cant believe how nice she runs now and idles. Wow. If you are on the line a out buying a new carb I suggest buying one to cure whatever issues you are having. I chose the 750 after talkin to the s.d. rep and for a stock to mild a 625 is all you need but if you have a motor like mine buy the 750. If you Google the street demon carb you will find plenty of people like me who are happy with the s.d. Now the hard part is the suspension being done. I am very glad I did the carb and even more proud my 12yr old son did such a wonderful job. Thanks bud
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