LOL GP, welcome to Peel ! I got stopped by Peel in my DD a few weeks back for doing somewhat the same. I was driving a little under the speed limit, PS window open and close to the curb trying to find a sqeaky rattle on the PS of the van. LEO on the other side of the road spun a quick U-turn and pulled me over ( very much to my surprise ). Said the same " you were driving suspiciously". But as his partner checked my license the LEO who pulled me over went all round the van, checking lights, asked if my tires were winters or A/Ts then the dreaded parking brake check ! I was surprised that they would do a roadside inspection but it doesnt bother me anymore. Spotless record, insured, safe vehicle. They can check all they want as long as I don't get detained for too long and make me late for something. Glad it wasn't the Monte as I don't have a parking brake hooked up. Guess I should get that bracket off my desk ( its a great paperweight ) and back on the car !