Catching up on this post as work has kept me busy driving. I've had an odd vibration issue since finishing my car and it's driven me crazy. Only does it above 60mph, but I've always noticed my brakes feel like they're dragging especially at highway speeds when letting off the go pedal. It feels like it wants to dive.
Been doing some thinking and wondering of the aftermarket master/booster are right. After checking specs, the master should be sufficient for my brake setup, but the booster is smaller than stock and the pedal rod seems to be adjusted wrong(my fault).
Soooo this week I got the stocker back out, threw some fresh paint on it and swapped it last night. Been a drought here for 3 weeks, then the day I need to test drive its raining. I'll hold off on claiming its fixed until driving, but just in the garage the brake pedal feels different in a good way. To be continued...
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