Buttoned up the install of the Thornton headers and Pypes down pipes (DOF10S) this morning. Funny that they are spec’d for ‘68-‘72 BB Olds A-bodies but they fit just fine on my 350 Olds in my ‘80 Cutlass with no clearance issues at all. While under the car it’s clear that it will need more attention everything is dusty and dirty and I noticed my vintage turbo mufflers are showing some rot, not to mention choking the 2.5” Pypes down to the old school tubing bender 2” system I had made 30 years ago. I had to widen the notch on my crossmember another 2”s so I could mend the new pipes to the old ones nice and straight. That went pretty well since I had heavy angle iron and flat stock under the bench. Also had to re route my trans cooling lines to clear the new set up. Going to go and see if I can find 10w40 oil for old engines at the local shops and start it up tonight or tomorrow, been a real hot day and not much cooling off this week.