had to go dig for pics of it disconnected and maybe it wasn't 11 (probably not) but I distinctly recall having to disconnect and label a bunch of stuff that went to various points around the intake manifold front and back and a few other places. remember, this car was in a flood and then left to sit for 6 yrs
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FWIW the small vacuum solenoid that bolts onto the front of those things is unobtanium these days.
Nobody rebuilds them anymore, and, no aftermarket repops - at least it was the case when I rebuilt that accident damaged 83 that the front clip was wiped back till it hit the engine and master cylinder.
While MOST of the unit is metal, the part the vacuum line attaches to is the same plastic that gets brittle as the vacuum tees. In my case the accident broke it off the cylinder.
Places like Napa listed part numbers, but, no stock. And gm used the same part on everything of that era, meaning, corvette guys drove the occasional NOS auction up to $200-300 just for that 1 inch wide 3 inch long cylinder.
Many yards crushed and pullaparts didn't get many cars from the 5 or so years the system was used, and even then, not all cars came with cruise.
Moral of the story? If you see one in the yard worth grabbing, you never know if you'll own a car that needs one some day.