I bet. We have one guy in our club who races barefoot... I ain't pretending to be that kind of hard. Hell, I have the softest feet of anyone in the Infantry ever.
Evidently while autocross is hard, it isn't racing:
Just Accept It: Autocross Isn't Racing
Back in 2006, when I started autocrossing my Mazda RX-8 on stock shocks and Dunlop all-seasons, I took great pride in telling all of my friends that I was “going racing” each weekend. They would look at me in awe, and say, “You race cars?” “I sure do,” I would reply, and I then I would show...www.thetruthaboutcars.com
I guess drag racing isn't racing either. Or anything in the Olympics. Or generally anything involving time keeping.
When I go autocrossing, I refer to it as just that. It is racing just like time trials/attack are, but I have really only said I'm going racing when I'm going wheel to wheel. The one that kills me is when someone does an open track day or an HPDE and claims they're going racing.