What did you do to your non-G body project today? [2023]

friend of mine pointed out a weirdness under the hood on my 08 Silverado today, something never noticed. on the wiring harness under the master cylinder, down by the firewall, there is a wire with a large flat ring terminal that is folded up external to the harness conduit cover and then electrical taped to the outside of the wiring harness. the wire color is red with a black stripe. anybody have an idea of what this might be?
I'll try to get a pic posted tomorrow. but here's an example of where it would be with the yellow x/circle

View attachment 218999

So last Thursday more or less ended with me paying a visit to the car rental agency and putting the plastic down on a long weekend temporary ride to use while my S-10 was on the beach. What they gave me was a Kia Rio and, apart from whacking my head once while trying to do the driver's door limbo, it actually was a decent around town commuter vehicle. Great mileage, the whole weekend cost me +/- $10.00 in gas. Gave it back to them this morning and they pro-rated the charges due to it coming home early.

The whole early thing was due to discovering that my truck was back in action. As suspected, the starter had kaffed. Kind of sucked since it was only 20 years old and probably the original back to when the vehicle was first assembled. Guess they just don't make them like they really never used to.

The bite was about 200 USD, a hour of labor plus the starter itself. The replacement was a Reman but the builder turned out to be a local shop run by a guy that I have done business with for other reasons, So Hey, if it wasn't made in Canada, at least it was Rebuilt in Canada. Probably had to use "globally sourced parts" but it came with a three year warranty so I am not sniveling here. Just glad to have it back in my driveway where I can keep an eye on it. The yard has fences and spyball cameras but being able to wake up at 0-dark-hundred and wander out to the front door to take a look-see: , Priceless. The only thing I couldn't arrange was to score the dead unit. I wanted to tear into it and see what failed but it had to go back as a core so lost that chance. My personal bet was on the solenoid dying internally but, given the age of it all, there is also an equally high prob that the armature brushes finally wore out.

Did spend the weekend, in half hour or so intervals, cutting away the snow from my Shop's main door access ramp. At this point I am down to the concrete and can now put up the portable outside vise again, as needed. If I do my rough cutting and grinding outside, all it does is bother the neighbours and they have dogs that bark and cars that go whumpa-whumpa-whumpa due to the owners thinking the bass line is all there is to music so there is no appreciable feedback on the matter. Most of them tend to ignore me for the most part and that is the best praise possible.

Did throw a little time and energy at sorting the pro-tem bolt box. Ended up with three bolt bins out of it but the small, large, and metrics are now all in separate sections meaning the hunt may have just got a little easier.

Also grabbed another of the alloy 16 x 3's from its place on the bench and out it out for a session with the varsol pump and the compressor. With that done it goes to the bearing pre-load jig to be fitted with a new internal tube spacer and a set of good service bearings. Unlike the unit for the back, this one is clean and the beads don't need to see a little wire wheel love so that is a bonus.

Most likely aux power for a trailer connection. Is there an unused power post on your fuse block? Other end may be taped up at the back of the frame. My trucks had an orange and blue wire taped up in the same area, one for power and one for trailer brakes.

aux power for a trailer? we thought it was factory due to the way it looked, ok so maybe. I do have a factory trailer towing package and hitch, with the round plug, but I've never towed any trailer with brakes. I'll have to take a look underneath at the rear now and see what is what

DRIVEN replied it was for trailer brakes. I wasn't sure if you saw that.
I saw that but had no idea who he was posting for. makes sense now.
The Boyne style tilt column switch came in today. I have never seen one like this before. I can see the difference right away. The hazard button is way up top instead of hanging down below. Now the different holes make sense. It has the curved connector. Now to see if it fits and works. IMG_0652.JPG
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removed the 5.7-8 wheels and grease cups from the utility trailer I bought awhile back. hubs seem to be in better condition than hoped for with very little to no play, and they have zerk fittings on the back side so I can pump in new grease to push out the old.
next step once it rolls reliably will be to fix the wiring, followed by tightening up all bolts, replacing missing bolts, wire brushing the frame and welding corners and some extra bracing.
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Put shocks on the 76 f250.
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Well, the new turn signal switch was incomplete. This style has an anchor pin to keep the switch from moving. The inside of that pin is threaded and that takes a machine screw to secure the signal arm. The anchor pin was drilled, but not tapped. No reply from the seller. I figured out that one of my small stainless boat screws with a big flat head would work. It took a while to identify the thread and find a tap but I had it. It is #8-32 and I carefully tapped the hole a tiny bit at a time until it was deep enough for my screw. I clamped the anchor pin in my bench vise so as not to damage the turn signal mechanism. It worked and all is well. This correct switch even feels more secure than the Delco wrong one that felt loose. IMG_0655.JPGIMG_0656.JPGIMG_0657.JPG
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