Young Guns Show your Cars ( Thread)

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
Ok capt. america, you can't honestly tell me you don't own something that is made overseas. Second of all, this is America "land of the free" and if you want to dictate what people have then go somewhere else. Third, what kind of car do you have cause I haven't seen any pics. And how old are you anyway? These are mature conversations between car owners, not "lets act like were 2". Pop your momma's tit out your mouth boy, grow up. :roll: :roll:

PS Yeah I do shop at Walmart, what are you gonna do to stop me. Better yet, where else is there to go?


Royal Smart Person
Aug 15, 2007
Bismarck North Dakota
whitey said:
lick my rim , import lover

lol, look like somebody get's mad at himself regularly. Sally. It's a computer, this is a chat, board and I'm starting to gather that nobody really like's you. As far as pic's yeah he has some. Here's one from his album.
At first I would have been more then glad to compliment you on it. Now I'd just like to see it driving around so I can drop my pants and take a big s--t on the hood and smash you face in it. Take your bad attitude and go away now. Sally


Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
But look at all the posts you made b4 that. You can't tell me you didn't see that coming after all those posts and comments you made towards us. This was a really good thread until you wanted to start dissin everyone and their beliefs. So this thread is dead and might as well just leave it at that.


Royal Smart Person
Mar 25, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
whitey said:
some fuktard says he would sh*t on my car and you say I am being the tough guy ?

I wouldn't call you a tough guy, you are offering to let guys give you oral pleasures :wink:
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Play nice, now boys... I don't want to have to use my mod powers here. For the record, I play with imports and domestics and see no problem with either. I am 35 and am likely to be seen trying to drift whatever I drive, just not in a place where it draws attention. I have never been brainless enough to do things where cops were likely to be called on me.

As fart as it goes, people who get all upset due to brand loyalties or nationalism need to grow up. We all share a common interest in cars and that should be enough. It's a free country (sort of...), let people enjoy whatever kind of car they choose. The real enemies are the green movement and the government that wants to regulate our mutual hobby out of existence. Worry about them before you get mad at someone who drives a Nissan or a Honda. They have far more impact on your life than the import drivers do.
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