scoti ... Another thing I noticed, on TDC Compression Stroke, the distributor rotor is pointing directly in the opposite position that it should be...points at 11:00, towards the firewall, passenger seat/door area.
I know it's on TDC Compression stroke:
1. My brother felt air being pushed out of cylinder 1 spark plug hole as I was lining up the timing gears dots.
2. With the dots lined up, cylinder 1 valves are up and closed.
3. I am not able to install the cylinder stop tool into the cylinder 1 spark plug hole, because of the cylinder being up all the way.
That all indicates the motor is at TDC... but instead of the rotor pointing at cylinder 1 (5:00), its pointed in the opposite direction (11:00).
Could I be 180° out by not installing the distributor correctly, which is why it's pointing in that direction on TDC ?