Then again, and american gallon is only 3.78 liters. So take that $9 and multiple by .85 to correct for volume. Now we're at 7.56. Then there's exchange rate, currently right around $1.30 to $1. So, let's divide that down, and it's $5.81Was supposed to be watching the Price is Right but it got interrupted by a talking head announcement that American gas imports from the Rooskies had just been suspended. Last Power Nation post put gas at $3.72/gallon and set to rise. Lucky you. Up here in the land of the frozen chosen it is approaching $2.00 per liter. Math time here; there are 4.5 liters in a gallon so us Canucks are paying, or about to pay, $9.00 per gallon!!!!! The whole liter thing is a petroleum curtain to disguise how much car owners are being fleeced for their fuel.
To put this in perspective, a 1/4 tank of gas for my S-10 costs me $50.00. At that it is cheap because that quarter tank represents a month of daily driving. If it had been my other toys, the Monte and the G-10, it'd be more like a week.
Maybe the next hi zoot biz will be figuring out how to rewind electric motors to make them spin faster and produce higher rpms for e-cars, thus making them go faster and farther on a charge. Bleah, that is about as attractive as tofu.
So that's high, but, many places here in the states are above $5 already, and, currently a national average of $4.18 and climbing yesterday which includes a lot of rural areas and isn't a weighted average where more expensive places selling more volume count heavier... it's just station counts one data point each.
So are you more expensive? A little bit. But I also don't know your ethanol content. Depending how much lower energy corn juice is mixed in, at $5.80 USD you may be getting a better deal.