I took the top airhorn off the NOS 84
H/O carburetor today to double check what the factory did. Glad I did. While 95% of all the checks for choke blade angles, M/C solenoid rich/lean stops were within the CSM tolerances, NONE were directly on target. I put them there. I popped the aluminum plugs out for the rich and lean stops as well as the TPS, and will have those at the ready after tweaking it during installation. Dang sloppy QA. Yeah, settings are in the acceptable range tolerances, but some settings were just barely.
I also deduced that the carb was made ONE day different than the 85 442 carb (which was a restamped 4554 carb) that they did the 84
H/O service carb runs after production, and included all the 442 carbs made as well. So they cranked up the carburetor machine and made about 3500 or so 84
H/O carbs, simply guessing, perhaps, and restamped the year and application codes on the carbs bound for 85 442 production, the rest going to the warehouses for warranty and service carbs. I have no documentation or proof of that, but the 85 442 service carbs all had the correct year stampings on them, and were not restamps. I forget which dates are on the 85 442 service carbs. I'm going to have to look again.